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Lorenzo has not yet been charged but he is already serving a 200-year sentence in federal prison for giving nine men, including Wachholtz and Galehouse, the 'date rape' drug GHB with the intent to commit violence, and for conspiring with Schweickert to distribute the drug. In the plea agreement, Schweickert agreed to testify against Steven Lorenzo, a man he long ago implicated in the two men's killings. Standing stoic in Circuit Judge Vivian Corvo's courtroom, his disheveled, grey-flecked hair and scraggly beard belying his age, Schweickert admitted to killing Galehouse and Wachholtz after using them as sex slaves. Schweickert was sentenced to life in prison. Schweickert, 49, pleaded guilty Wednesday to two counts of first-degree murder for the deaths of Williams' son Jason Galehouse and another man, Michael Wachholtz, also 26, who died a similarly grisly death. I have the city dump with my son ground up like hamburger meat in the dirt. 'I don't even have a grave, a body or a tombstone. 'I look at it every single day,' she said. TAMPA - Fourteen years after her son was killed in a crime that shocked Tampa Bay, Pam Williams finally got to stand face to face with one of the killers.Īt a Tampa court room lectern, as television news cameras rolled, Williams held up a framed photo of her son and asked Scott Paul Schweickert to take a long, hard look.

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